Robert K. Elder

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The Big Questions for Mom: A Guided Journal: Part of the Big Questions Series

The Big Questions for Dad: A Guided Journal: Part of the Big Questions Series

The Mixtape of My Life: A Do-It-Yourself Music Memoir

It Was Over When...: Tales of Romantic Dead Ends

It Was Love When...: Tales from the Beginning of Love

Read Your Partner Like a Book: Everything You Should Know...But Never Thought to Ask: A

Des Plaines River Anthology

A Friendly Game of Poker: 52 Takes on the Neighborhood Game

Read My Books

The Big Questions for Mom: A Guided Journal: Part of the Big Questions Series Hardcover

The Big Questions for Dad: A Guided Journal: Part of the Big Questions Series

The Neil Gaiman RThe Mixtape of My Life: A Do-It-Yourself Music Memoireader

It Was Over When...: Tales of Romantic Dead Ends

It Was Love When...: Tales from the Beginning of Love

Read Your Partner Like a Book: Everything You Should Know...But Never Thought to Ask: A Book of Questions for Couples

Des Plaines River Anthology Paperback

A Friendly Game of Poker: 52 Takes on the Neighborhood Game Paperback

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